
So Far Dutch Funeral Museum

  Kruislaan 124 ,   Oost          (+31) 206 94 04 82     more than a year ago
For many people death and dying is a subject best avoided, but the Dutch Funeral Museum called Tot Zover (So Far) tries to break this taboo by offering explanations of traditions and customs surrounding death, burials and the process of grieving in the Netherlands. Its collection includes old hair paintings, death masks and lanterns, bits of film, coffins and urns and a large number of miniature hearses. Cremation is also covered in detail, as well as the process of decomposition experienced by a corpse once it's buried. Modern funeral rituals of different cultures are also discussed, but if it's all too tough to handle you get some fresh air in the adjacent cemetery. Complimentary audio guides cover the museum as well as the cemetery.



No Credit cards
Guarded parking


Open 11:00-17:00. Closed Mon.

Price/Additional Info

Admission: adults €5.50, children over 12 €2.


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