
Cloth Hall

  Rynek Główny 1/3 ,   Old Town         24 Mar 2025

Your best and easiest bet for gifts in Kraków. Essentially the world's oldest shopping mall, this space in the centre of Kraków has been home to a trading hall since at least the 1300s. Given a 16th century Renaissance facelift, this architectural marvel boasts dozens of stalls selling amber jewellery, lacework, cloth handicrafts, wood carvings, sheepskin rugs and all sorts of Polish souvenirs and trinkets at prices that are actually more reasonable than you'd anticipate. The quintessential Cracovian shopping experience.


Open 10:00-20:00.
Opening hours may be subject to change.


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Joanne O'Neill
Florida, USA
Hi I hope you can help me. I am looking for wooden figurines of Jewish men that are wooden and holding an instrument. I have a picture if that will help that my friend bought when he went to Krakow. i want to add to his collection but I have been looking and looking on the internet and can't seem to find them. I was hoping you can help me or steer me in the right direction. Hope to hear back from you. It would be greatly appreciated. It would make an old man very happy if he could get these.

Elmarie, did you ever get your Amber fairy choker you wanted?
Essex UK
Will the market be open in November 11th 2018 Independence day?

Please find me the big (6cm) colourful Amber fairy (E46) I wanted to buy last month while there on a tour. It was at one of the first shops on your left as you enter at the right furthest entrance with St Mary's Bacilica behind you. It was on a silver choker but I wanted only the colourful Amber fairy pendent. I did bot take a photo but would love to buy it. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Elmarie from South Africa

Their prices are very high, in the surrounding streets there are souvenir stores with much better prices, also the merchants are so indifferent, non-polite, and even sometimes rude with the turists, not only I experienced it myself but I also witnessed on their behavior with others who were asking for prices and information on the products.
Editor IYP
Due to obvious interest, and to put to bed any future inquiries, here is a list of the only days of the year that the Cloth Hall is closed. New Year''s Day, Easter Saturday (March 31, 2018), Easter Sunday (April 01, 2018), Labour Day (May 01), Corpus Christi (May 31, 2018), All Saints'' Day (Nov 01), Christmas Eve, Christmas Day.

Hi Will the cloth hall be open on January 1st Thanks Elly
Editor IYP
Hi Suzie, Yes, the Cloth Hall will be open those days, roughly 09:00 - 20:00.

will you be open on Saturday sept 30 and S unday oct 1 2017

will cloth hall(sukiennice)be open on September 30 and Oct. 1 2017. Just wondering if closed on Sundays? Suzie
Editor IYP
Hi Anna, It''s not official, but our sources tell us that the Cloth Hall will be open on Easter Saturday, CLOSED Easter Sunday, and open Easter Monday. On Saturday and Monday the hours are likely up to the vendors themselves, but those we were in contact with said they will be open Sat 10:00 - 18:00; closed Sun; open Mon 11:00 - 18:00. Probably most of the Cloth Hall will have similar opening hours.

Is the cloth hall going to be open on Easter Saturday and if yes till which hour?

which fashion store available in Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) ?

Hi, are you going to be open on 6th and 7th January please?
Will the Cloth Hall be open in the morning on December 31st? I'm sure it is closed Jan 1, but I am not sure about Dec31 (NYE).
Editor IYP
Hi Ellie, About your comment on whether the Cloth Hall in Kraków is closed on Mondays, this is simply untrue. The shops on the ground floor of the Cloth Hall are open 7 days a week, and even on most holidays, with only a few exceptions. I think perhaps the info you got was regarding the 19th Century Polish Art Gallery; this museum (which is absolutely worth seeing) is on the second floor of the Cloth Hall, and closed on Mondays. The rest of the building is open on Mondays however, and will be on November 7th, including the shopping arcades, the first floor cafe (great views), and the Rynek Underground Museum, which is under the Cloth Hall.

Hi, I have been told that the Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) is closed on Mondays. Is this correct? As we were looking to attend on November 7th 2016
Editor IYP
Hi Heather, We couldn't officially confirm anything, but it is safe to assume that the Cloth Hall will be closed on Easter Sunday and Monday (March 27-28); otherwise it should be open as usual.
Is the cloth hall going to be open on Easter Sunday
Editor IYP
Hi Simon, Indeed, the Cloth Hall is open year-round, 7 days a week (except major holidays).
Is the cloth hall open all year round? I've visiting with my partner at the end of this month and ew were hoping to vistit
Editor IYP
Hi Susan, good question. We confirmed it with them, and as we suspected, the merchant stalls in the Cloth Hall will be closed on November 1st for All Saints' Day.
Susan Ferrier
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hello we are coming to Krakow soon, but would like to know will Cloth Hall be open on the 1st of November,? I know this is "All Saints Day". Thank you. Susie
Editor Krakow

The building is open from 10:00 - 18:00 everyday (at this time of the year). The shops inside can open and close when they want to but generally they are open the same times as the hall itself

What are the opening and closing hours for the shops in the CLoth Hall? Are they open on Sundays?
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