
[closed] BWA Galeria Awangarda

  ul. Wita Stwosza 32 ,   Old Town          (+48) 71 790 25 82     more than a year ago
The largest gallery of BWA Wrocław, and Wrocław's most cutting-edge, Awangarda is located within the old Hatzfeld Palace. Destroyed during World War II, this 'living ruin' was adapted into an art space and now runs exhibitions that comment on current social and political issues, never shying from controversy. Passersby can get a peek at some exhibits through the huge streetside bay windows. Free entry on Wednesdays. Recommended.


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Open 11:00-18:00. Wed 12:00-20:00, Closed Mon.

Price/Additional Info

Admission 8/4zł, Wed free.


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closed this week setting up new exhibition till next week.........

I checked it out and it seems that the lobby cafe is only an occasional thing (it's being open only during events such as vernissages).

I was confused by this place because I actually went here to go to the lobby cafe that the In Your Pocket guide had suggested. The gallery was nice. I think that the exhibit was temporary so it will not matter what I saw in August 2009. However, there was no "lobby cafe" that the guide had mentioned. The 2 women at the ticket desk were also unaware of a cafe there. This is the gallery across from the Lothus Hotel, right???
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