
The Franciscan Monastery of the Friars Minor and the Old Pharmacy

  Placa 2      (+385-20) 32 14 10     more than a year ago

The Romanesque cloister of the Franciscan monastery is an absolute delight, decorated with the remnants of old frescoes, and with delicate pillars surrounding a garden where orange trees grow. The monastery is most famous for its pharmacy, among the oldest in Europe and the oldest one still working. The monastery houses a museum where you can see original items from the pharmacy, plus an extensive library with precious incunabula, manuscripts, a large collection of musical notations and a treasury of artworks. Outside the Church of the Little Brothers on Stradun you’ll see a lovely relief of the Pieta, and, on a lighter note, a gargoyle below knee height. The trick is to stand on it facing the wall – it’s the test of a real man!





Open 09:00 - 18:00.

Price/Additional Info

Adults 6,00 € Children, students 3,00 € Groups adults 5,00 € Groups children, students 2,50 €


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Mary Egan

I sat in the afternoon sun watching as person after person failed to stand on the gargoyle. I felt that I could do it if I tackled the wall gently. After two attempts, I was able to stand for an indefinite period of time. I taught my 13 year-old son the trick and he too managed to stand on the gargoyle and remain there for many minutes much to the amazement of all watching. We thereby qualified as 'real men' of Dubrovnik. FYI, I am a 52 year old woman!
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