
Świebodzki Bazaar

  ul. Robotnicza 2 ,   Old Town          (+48) 71 717 12 54     more than a year ago
If you want a real cultural adventure that you'll remember for a long, long time, head to the no-man's-land behind the defunct Świebodzki train station on a Sunday afternoon and check out this unbelievable open-air bazaar sprawling endlessly west over the train tracks. A truly mind-blowing scene, the size and scope of this market is almost hard to comprehend given its location; from the main entrance near Plac Orląt Lwowskich it unfolds through an endless maze of blue and white striped tents, before devolving into acres of rubbish laid out on dirty blankets over the train tracks or the muddy, barren earth. Here you can buy literally anything under the sun at prices about 50% lower than those you might expect to find anywhere so audacious as to have a floor or a roof. Some of it is perfectly legit, of course, some of it quite dodgy, and most of it complete rubbish; amateur photographers and cultural anthropologists will have a field day here. Get here while you can, since the days of this phenomenon are numbered, with the Polish State Railways planning to resume train service to the station in the near future.


Sun 06:00-14:00.
Open Sun 06:00-14:00 only.


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Hi, Will this market be there next Sunday? What time does it start? Thanks, Kerry.
Editor IYP
Check out the satellite version of the map - it was obviously a Sunday morning when Google did all their aerial photography of Wrocław. This market is absolutely enormous and stretches several kilometres over the train tracks. Seeing the satellite imagery is mind-blowing - the market looks bigger than the diametre of the Old Town!
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