Though beginning a journey down Piotrkowska at the north end (just south of Plac Wolności, C-2) is perhaps a rarity for locals, let's just do that. While walking south, keep in mind that odd-numbered addresses are on the right, and even-numbers are on the left.

To get started, there’s a neat little surprise through the courtyard of Piotrkowska 3 - Róża's Passage - a mirror mosaic pressed into the wall of an abandoned 20th century hotel. It’s a great Instagram opportunity if you’re into that kind of thing. Back on the street, keep walking...and walking, past the knock off KFC, and stop at the crossing. Hot tip: people in Łódź wait at pedestrian crossings because it’s very common to be fined for jaywalking.

Niebostan at Piotrkowska 17 is worth a gander. Go in the courtyard and up the unsuspecting staircase in the middle. Come nighttime it’s packed full of hipsters wishing to escape the more ‘mainstream’ Off Piotrkowska - and a solid beer selection however don’t get fancy with your cocktails. Right, now you’re going to keep walking past the pizza belt - Presto will give you a very ‘Dolmio Day’ and Biesiadowo Pizza is very much to be judged by its cover. Pizza is popular in Łódź. Why? Because it’s relatively cheap, filling and very student-y.