Having to spend a few months every year buried under a ton of frozen gunk, it’s no surprise that the moment Mr. Sun appears the natives take their clothes off and retire to the nearest beer garden.

Warsaw’s got millions of them, whether they be one rickety table standing outside a bar, or tranquil gardens where all that’s missing is a unicorn jumping over a rainbow. Luckily for you, we have a few recommendations on where to go for the top beer gardens in Warsaw.

In the Centre...
First and foremost when asking for Warsaw beer garden recommendations - many of you are Warsaw for a short amount of time and are therefore sticklers for the city centre. Have no fear - You still have a huge choice of places to enjoy some outdoor drinking. Hala Koszyki is one of Warsaw’s super trendy food markets, set in a historic Art Nouveau market hall from the early 20th century, and its patio matches the indoor vibes with the addition of fresh air in its outdoor setting. Heading upstairs, you’ll find a number of more sophisticated pads, including UPPER DECK, a cocktail bar with a jazz soul and an excellent selection of wines. A similar vibe can be pursued at Le Cabaret Jazz Bistro, whose small-but-charming garden space on Nowogrodzka has an unbeatable atmosphere, lined with old tenement houses and complemented by a soundtrack free-spirited jazz. The main tourist trail, the Royal Route, is jam-packed with outdoor seating and inner courtyard gardens - accessible for all budgets! One of our top choices tends to be the Pavilions (Pawilony), a ramshackle collection of dive bars at ul. Nowy Świat 26. The lengthy Royal Route trail leads all the way to the Old Town, which itself becomes a beer garden haven in the warmer months, utilising any free space to put up some parasols, seats and tables! Top choice goes to Warsaw's oldest restaurant, U Fukiera!
On the classier end of things, we highly recommend you seek out the grounds of the Branicki and Szaniawski palaces, two gorgeous 18th-century palaces that have been merged and revitalised as the premesis of Hotel Verte, Warsaw, Autograph Collection and KUK Restaurant by Maciej Majewski. Here, you'll find 3 different courtyard spaces, with a Versailles flair and a stunning garden space that allows you to sip your beverage of choice and recline with your entourage just as Polish royalty did 250 years ago! With a view of the National Opera and Grand Theatre, MOMU and its cosmopolitan perch offers atmospheric outdoor seating with the romantic air of Paris or Vienna.
Heading west of the centre, where all things are up-and-coming in the Polish capital, you are able to find several bits of urban revitalisation that have their own unique set-ups and outdoor spaces for the summer months. Fabryka Norblina impresses all with Norblin Food Town, which allows guests to hang with an industrial revolution-era backdrop with fairy lighting. It's also notably family-friendly, with the Smart Kids Planet edutainment centre within the complex! We recommend UWAGA PIWO, translating as WARNING BEER in English, which is guaranteed to cool your senses..jpg)
How about Warsaw craft beer spots? Look no further! Browary Warszawskie has a total of 3 areas with numerous restaurants and a food hall. On the latter point, there's an upper deck and a central bar with a healthy bias towards beer (This is a former brewery site after all!). Furthermore, the flagship restaurant/bar is Browar Warszawski, which has continued the beer brewing traditions of the past and is highly recommended for your proceedings. A quick mention should also go to Nocny Market, the night market set amongst the former Central Railway Station platforms, which comes to life at the hour of dusk.
Riverside fun!
In the district of Powiśle, traditional beer gardens take the form of a picturesque riverside setting. The revitalised Vistulan Boulevards on the river's left bank have become a welcome retreat for locals who want to ride their bikes, roller skate, jog, or simply walk next to the water's edge. What's more, there are some fantastic seasonal bars to grab a drink and relax on some deck chairs. However, the district's cultural heart can be found at Elektrownia Powiśle, Warsaw's former power plant that has been exceptionally revitalised as a multifunctional space for, among many other things, gastronomy, nightlife, and a year-long calendar of events..jpg)