Katowice isn't the first place anyone thinks of when it comes to capturing the holiday spirit, but the city has made huge strides in recent years in terms of creating a festive atmosphere for all in the run-up to Christmas, and beyond. The city has invested heavily in its Christmas and holiday decorations, and is so eager to deck the halls that they open the annual Christmas market in the third week of November.

How to Say 'Merry Christmas' in Polish
Glad you asked. Say it with us now:
"Wesołych Świat..."
Veh-so-wick Shvee-ont
(Merry Christmas…)
"...i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!"
...ee Shchen-shlee-vay-go No-vay-go Row-koo!
(...and Happy New Year!)
Katowice Christmas Market (Nov. 22, 2024 - Jan. 05, 2025)
The Christmas Fair in Katowice is an event to remember as it takes place on the massive and recently renovated Market Square (Rynek) and really sets the city's holiday vibe. The tradition of Christmas fairs or markets in Poland is an ancient one, and while the markets in cities like Krakow, Wrocław and even Warsaw have been drawing tourists from near and far for decades, if not centuries, that certainly wasn't the case here in K-town.
Ah, but how things have changed. Ever since the disappointment of 2020's COVID-cancelled Christmas market, Katowice has really pulled out all the stops to deliver holiday magic, and the city's annual Christmas market opens earlier than its Polish competitors, then powers through into the new year without even a day off. Sure, like all Christmas markets, it's completely commercial, but Katowice takes it even farther by ratcheting up the kitsch to levels not seen at most holiday fairs. In addition to the handsome wooden huts selling all manner of folkwares, ceramics, handicrafts, toys and holiday decorations, Katowice's Christmas market is cluttered with dozens upon dozens of moving and singing