Stutthof Museum is a recommended visit for anyone who wishes to learn more about the 20th-century history of Gdańsk , WWII and the effects this had on the local population. It is an easy day trip from Gdańsk, being less than an hour drive from the city and with buses going regularly to the site. Covering around 20% of the former camp area, Stutthof Museum has undergone a significant program of modernisation.
NOTE: It is advised that children under 13 should not visit.
Stutthof Death Gate
The main entry to Stutthof concentration camp, better known as the 'Death Gate'. 

I've been to Auschwitz. Why should I go to Stutthof?

The answer is that Stutthof is unique in many ways...

Stutthof was the first death camp established outside of Nazi Germany and the last to be discovered.
Whilst other operations, like Auchwitz, were quite large and locals were certainly aware of their existence, Stutthof was secluded and a well-kept secret from those living in nearby villages. The peaceful, tidily-kept camp of Stutthof set among the trees and just a couple of kilometres from the beach, has a different atmosphere but an equally lasting effect. The advancing Soviets liberated the camp on 9th May 1945, the day after Germany officially surrendered.

Stutthof was one of the most diverse Nazi death camps.
Registered prisoners included citizens of 28 countries. Aside Jews and Poles, there were Germans, Czechs, Dutch, Belgians, French, Norwegians, Finns, Danes, Lithuanians,Latvians, Belarusians, Russians and others. These demographics is the result of it's location on the Baltic. Among 110,000 prisoners were Jews from all over Europe, members of the Polish underground, Polish civilians deported from Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising, Lithuanian and Latvian intelligentsia, Latvian resistance fighters, psychiatric patients and Soviet prisoners of war.

Some mudered prisoners of Stutthof were turned into soap.
The Nazis were known for some bizarre scientific experiments on camp prisoners, most notably those of Auchwitz's 'Angel Of Death', Dr. Josef Mengele. For years, there was an existing myth that the Nazis had mass-produced soap that produced from human body fat. While there is no evidence to show 'mass-production', there is evidence of a small-scale experimental of this very process, conducted by the Gdańsk-based Nazi Dr. Rudolf Spanner, and he used human corpses obtained from the Stutthof death camp.