Regional Ghost Stories
There’s even more of a chance to see phantoms if you head outside of Poznań. Take for example the story of Halszka, a woman kept captive in a tower by her jealous husband. Forced to wear an iron mask during her fleeting trips to mass she ended her days insane, and nowadays her demented wailing can be heard haunting the tower of Szamotuły Castle, 30 kilometres northwest of Poznań.

Finally, check out Łagów Castle in the heart of the Lubuskie province, halfway between Poznań and Berlin. The spooky likeness of former castle commander Andreas von Schlieben was first spotted here in 1820 when the president of the Poznań Treasury saw the ghostly shape of the knight engulfed in flames standing at the foot of his bed. Since then he’s been spotted several times, though only in spring and summer, and only by men. Today the castle also serves as a hotel, and guests with very particular tastes even have the choice of opting for a night in the ‘Torture Room.’ Fitted with a huge solid wood bed, this 'Fifty Shades of Ghoul' experience comes complete with clunky manacles suspended from the walls and other creepy and deviant decor.