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What’s the first food item people associate with Poland? Yes, pierogi - a stuffed dumpling whose general equivalent can be found in just about every single regional cuisine the world over. That’s not to disparage pierogi, but if you’ve tried them locally and think you’re done with Kraków food tourism, we insist otherwise.

Just as every country has its own specific culinary profile, so too does every city. We’d argue that the latter are generally far more interesting, revealing and rewarding than the former, as they give you a greater sense not only of place, but also people, contributing to the unique character of a city. From street food to traditional national dishes, here are the most essential eating experiences you must have while in Kraków. Consider it an edible to-do list:


krakow essential eats: obwarzanki
"Look! In that trolley!" / "It's a bagel!" / "It's a pretzel!"

Any culinary journey through Kraków is likely to start with the obwarzanek. A chewy dough ring sprinkled (usually extremely unevenly) with salt, poppy or sesame seeds, obwarzanki are sold from blue rolling carts on every other street corner in Kraków, and are so inescapable they’ve become an unofficial symbol of the city.