The Serbian language has 31 letters, and every word is pronounced phonetically, that is exactly the way it's written, making it relatively easy to learn. As long as you grasp the pronunciation of the individual letters, you should be able to pronounce every word, without exceptions, which is pretty cool. But the grammar, oh the grammar. With a total of seven cases, many people who pursue Serbian as a second language still struggle with these after many years of speaking the language.
Now, the fun part! Here are a few phrases that you might find useful to use during your visit:
Ćao / Zdravo / Dobar dan - all of these mean hello, the difference being formality. Ćao would be used among friends and Dobar dan is more like Good day
Kako si? / Kako ste? - How are you? Similarly to French, Serbian uses the formal plural “you”, so the latter is more formal
Hvala - Thank you
Zovem se... - My name is…
Ja sam iz… - Im from…
Da - yes
Ne - no
Izvini - sorry
Molim vas - please
Drago mi je - Nice to meet you