Known by wit and cheek, you will surely not be disappointed with your Tuesday morning if you listen up to Barron's humorous and interesting accounts of his life, work and travels. Especially if you're holding a yummy cup of coffee that Yuri would make for you if he was holding this event in the kitchen of flat he is currently occupying, somewhere in Asia or the Middle East.

Although Yuri's lived in Slovenia for quite some years, he hasn't managed to learn Slovene. That's ok Yuri, we'll just do it in English then.
Since virtual seats are limited, sign up for the event here.
Text and photos courtesy of The Slovenia.
If you don't want to be like Yuri, check out how to learn the Slovenian language here!
We know you don't like tasks, but just in case you'd like to get warmed up before the big day, catch some pre-interview questions here!