
St. Francis' Basilica

  Pl. Wszystkich Świętych 5 ,   Old Town          (+48) 12 422 53 76     12 Nov 2024
Although it doesn’t look like much from the outside, the interior of St. Francis Basilica is absolutely worth popping in for, even if you could care less for looking at another church (trust us). Dating back to the 13th century, this was actually Kraków’s first brick building. At the end of the 19th century, resident artistic genius Stanisław Wyspiański - founder of Poland’s Art Nouveau movement, and subject to his own museum - was commissioned to renovate the main nave, and he did so with colourful floral patterns on the walls that deftly balance the organic and geometric. He also designed eight gorgeous stained glass windows, including the controversial, iconic and absolutely must-see centrepiece, 'God in the Act of Creation’ - arguably the greatest modern stained glass window in the world.
St. Francis' Basilica
Another modern figure associated with St. Francis’ is Franciscan friar Maximillian Kolbe, who led his first services at this church. Arrested by the Nazis, Kolbe ended up in Auschwitz during World War II, where he volunteered to die in place of another man; he was sainted by Pope John Paul II in 1982.

St. Francis’ also has a ‘certified copy’ (whatever that means) of the Shroud of Turin, which is on display in a side chapel.

When visiting the church, please dress appropriately, particularly in summer, or you may be asked to leave. At the request of the church, that means having your back and shoulders covered. 


Open 10:00-16:00. Sun 13:00-15:00.

Price/Additional Info

admission free


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North Carolina
Absolutely amazing interior. The colors and stained glass are such a breath of fresh air after visiting other churches, I only wish there was more light inside (my photos turned out rubbish). If you visit only one church in kraków, definitely make it this one.
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