This large museum is located in a historic transport complex in Kazimierz. Preserved in its entirety, the depot evolved and expanded alongside changes in public transport from the era of horse-drawn trams at the end of the 19th century (when it first opened) through narrow- and standard-gauge electric trams, to buses at the beginning of the 20th century. Split in two by ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, today half of the complex hosts a brewery, while the other half is home to the main branch of Kraków's Museum of Engineering, one of the city's more kid-friendly cultural institutions.

The museum's permanent exhibit - titled 'The City: Technosensitivity' - tells a broad, chronological story about the development of engineering thought, the way it has transformed urban spaces and impacted the lives of inhabitants. Over 600 objects, including an interactive LAB Zone, will introduce visitors to the world of urban engineering, among them: 16th century wooden water pipes, a wooden stave washing machine, typewriter for the blind, Edison's phonograph, the first Polish telephones, cipher machines, radio receivers, a range of kitchen appliances, a Polski Fiat 508 car, vehicle prototypes, early computers and more. Previously geared primarily to children, this top-tier space now has a permanent exhibit catering to older children and adults. In fact, so good, that it won the museum a "museum Oscar" award.

The Museum of Engineering also operates two other branches in Kraków: the Stanisław Lem Experimental Garden and Czyżyny Hangar - located in a historic aircraft hangar (currently closed).
Average visiting time: 40mins.
I guess they are really counting on tourists to go to this Gallery of Steel Figures, because those prices are ridiculous for local families...