
Kraków Dragon Parade

Sunday Jun 8 12:00       Rynek Główny
After the smoke has cleared from Saturday night's spectacular, in which professional puppeteers animate enormous (3.5 m !) dragons floats on barges in the Wisła River, on Sunday morning it's the kids' turn to take over in this beloved family event. Animating dragons of their own design made specially for this occasion, costumed children from schools, kindergartens and culture houses across Poland show off their beastly creations in a parade through the streets of Kraków's Old Town, culminating on the market square. Accompanied by dancers, musicians and orchestras, the colourful dragons on display range must be four metres or larger and they all compete for awards for the most inventive and most beautiful. Make sure you snag a spot along the procession route and have your camera handy!



Jun 8 2025 12:00
Main Market Square
Rynek Główny

Price/Additional Info

Admission free

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