Klaipėda’s best quirky attractions
more than a year agoTo be perfectly honest, nobody comes to Klaipėda for the food or the weather. Ask anyone exactly why they love the city and they’ll either struggle to give you an answer or tell you that they love it for its quirkiness. When it comes to being truly peculiar, the Lithuanians win gold every time. Although you only have to leave your hotel to experience Klaipėda’ unusualness, it’s worth highlighting a few of the city’s more unique selling points for the uninitiated.
If you plan to visit the Lithuanian Sea Museum when in town, don’t fall victim to the miscellaneous individuals offering rides from the ferry terminal to museum itself. It’s not a long walk, and there’s a few things to see along the way, the Stranded Ships being the most obvious. Part of the museum’s exhibits, these small and authentic craft are a strange sight out of the water. Best of all they’re open to visit.
Whisper in the ear of The Magical Mouse and good luck comes your way. Nonsense of course, but great fun for the kids anyway.
In good weather, the Klaipėda Sculpture Park is the best place for a pleasant walk in Klaipėda. Once a cemetery, the park’s now home to over 100 Soviet-ear sculptures, many of them extremely bizarre to say the least.