The name Orłowo (Adlershorst in German) supposedly dates back to 1666, to a time when some local fishermen were witness to the rare and noble spectacle of two eagles battling for supremacy in the skies above. The epic dual ended after two hours, only after the two birds had dropped into the sea with exhaustion. Suitably impressed by this display of nerve and courage the fishermen rescued the birds, took them to Gdańsk and henceforth awarded the area its name (orzeł meaning eagle in local lexicon).
That’s the legend, the facts are a little less rakish. According to records Jan Adler (German: adler - eagle) snapped up the land in 1829, and proceeded to cultivate and develop the land. On his behest an inn was constructed (today the School of Plastic Arts), and by the end of the 19th century a small community with a population of 50 had started to grow around it.
