We are unabashed souvenir lovers here at In Your Pocket, so you can bet your bottom ceiniog that we recommend picking up a gift or two when in Cardiff. But what to buy? Worry not — we’ve got some ideas for you.
Welsh Flag Paraphernalia
Let’s not beat around the bush — the Welsh flag is the best in the world. It seems like an objective fact, seeing as it is simply a massive red dragon on a white and green background after all. The Welsh dragon is everywhere in Wales, and there are plenty of souvenirs one can buy featuring this proud mythical beast.
We’ll be the first to admit that ‘lovespoons’ don’t exactly sound too appealing, but keep with us on this one. These are intricately detailed and lovingly carved wooden spoons, historically used to display one’s romantic intent. They also look good hung on the wall, but you do what you want.
Welsh Slate
It might add a bit of weight to your luggage, but this is no ordinary slate. There has been a slate industry in Wales since the days of the Romans, and while the halcyon days are long gone it remains an integral and important part of Welsh history. Slate is available in souvenir form, usually in placemats and coasters.
Welsh Dictionary
The Welsh language is admittedly quite mental, so why not pick up a dictionary to take home? There is a good chance your friends might think Welsh and English aren’t too dissimilar, so this is your opportunity to show them just how different the two tongues are. You might even feel inspired to give the language a go…
Tiny Rebel Beer
Okay, not Cardiff per se, but we’re massive fans of Newport’s Tiny Rebel brewery. What’s more, they have a fantastic beer called Cwtch, and it doesn’t get any more Welsh than an alcoholic cwtch. Iechyd Da!