The Belgian capital is known for many things, one of them being a quirky bronze statue of a little boy peeing into a fountain. Manneken Pis has become one of the most iconic symbols of Brussels and the city’s most visited attraction. The tiny statue has many costumes that change several times each week and his wardrobe can even be seen in a permanent exhibition inside the City Museum.

What many people don’t know is that this is not the only peeing statue in Brussels. Manneken Pis’ little sister is Jeanneke Pis, a little girl squatting and urinating on a blue-grey limestone base. This less known statue has only been around since 1987 and you can find it in a small alley near Grand-Place closed behind bars for protection.

The third member of Brussels’ peeing statue family is Zinneke, a bronze sculpture of a dog lifting his leg and doing his business at the corner of Rue des Chartreaux and Rue de Vieux-Marche. Zinneke is the only one that’s not a fountain and its name is Brussels dialect for a real local of the city, and also for a stray dog.

Another world-famous Belgian invention is the Smurf, a blue dwarf that has its own statue near the Moof Museum. The immense white statue of a Smurf on a mushroom is an unexpected surprise if you’re a fan of the Smurfs, and there’s even a Smurf shop right behind it.

Lastly, if you find yourself to the opposite side of the Grand Place, Statue La Chatte a Bicyclette will probably catch your eye. This colourful statue of a cat riding a bike is definitely fun to photograph.