There are all sorts of real estate companies out there. Yours appears to be quite an exclusive one with a very good reputation. Could you please explain how Stoja works and what its underlying philosophy is?
Stoja Real Estate Agency is the biggest and finest real estate agency in Ljubljana, with the largest selection of real estate and over 20 years of experience. Started in 1996, Stoja was built on the underlying philosophy that the highest clientele are diplomats, foreign businessmen and foreign representatives, and that the most luxurious properties are those with an exquisite location. Our aim is always to strive to the highest standards. Sometimes it’s hard to maintain a high level of service, especially in the peak of the season, when we get the most inquiries for renting a house or apartment in Ljubljana. Regardless, we always keep in mind that the client is the most important part of the job. At the end of the day, all we strive to achieve is to find the perfect property for rent or purchase for a particular client. We’ve developed close relationship with clients that stick with us and call whenever they’re looking to rent a flat in Ljubljana, rent a house or even lease their real estate. These are the clients we cherish the most.
What big deals have you recently been involved in?
In the last year we’ve sold over 500 apartments in Ljubljana. We’re the exclusive brokers for the sale of the Belle vie Tivoli apartment complex in Ljubljana. The complex consists of 195 apartments and six business premises, of which only three triplex apartments and business premises are still available. In addition to the sale of Belle vie Tivoli, we’re also the exclusive brokers for the sale of 224 apartments and 23 business premises in the Celovški dvori complex in Šiška. We’re just finishing the last sales phase, and only four apartments and 14 business premises are still available for purchase.There’s something on your website about Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday. That’s interesting. Do you have strong connections with the UK community in Slovenia?
Indeed. We have a strong connection with the British Embassy in Ljubljana, and we’d like to thank the Embassy for the invitation. We have a great relationship with all foreign delegations and embassies. As you can see on our website, we’re invited to all receptions held by the embassies and we’re always more than delighted to attend.What advice would you give to someone thinking about investing in real estate in Slovenia?
We’d warmly recommend an investment in this beautiful hidden oasis in the heart of Europe. Our advice would be to be patient with the bureaucracy because in the end it’ll be worth it. Owning a property in Slovenia enables one to live in a peaceful country surrounded by nature, all one could wish for really. A few years ago, Stoja Real Estate Agency developed an additional service and website called Diplomatic Corporate Services. This portal is perfect for foreigners who arrive in Ljubljana for the first time and know little about it. There one can find all kinds of services such as mobile phone operators, electricity providers, car rentals, shops, schools and much more. It’s the perfect place for a foreigner to start learning about Ljubljana and Slovenia.