We will give you a short pre-story, which every James Bond fan already knows all about. The 1999 James Bond film The World is Not Enough has a plot which circulates around the topic of the worlds' oil supply and the struggle of people to get control over it. You already see where this is going.
James Bond in Baku Oil Fields, Pierce Brosnan in The World is Not Enough
Pierce Brosnan was easily one of the 10 best Bonds to ever grace the silver screen
Azerbaijan in general and Baku's Oil Fields, in particular, happened to be the perfect location for shooting the scenes of the movie. Actually, this choice wasn't accidental. The producers of the movie - Pinewood Studios - were contacted with a great offer from the talented Azeri cinematographer (and obviously a very clever man) Ali Hoomani. An offer which they eventually accepted. Those who had seen the film already know how successful that decision was, and those who hadn't seen it yet... Well, see it and find out.

Nowadays, the Oil Fields are a popular destination for tourists, not because they are inherently attractive or photogenic, but because the James Bond movie made them iconic. But if you're the kind of tourist who is visiting Azerbaijan, then there's a good chance you're keen to snap some selfies in historically interesting settings. There is not much to do there except get out of the car, take a picture and brag about it for the rest of your life. While public transportation doesn't go directly to the fields, there are a couple of bus lines that get close enough to walk if your Z8 didn't make the trip with you Baku.