There is a variety of different tours, organized in the Andorran territory. They are thematic and connected to various aspects of the Andorran natural or cultural landmarks. Hiking and sightseeing tours through the Andorran Pyrenees are very common, as well as different eco tours which explore flora and fauna in the region. Cultural heritage tours are also available in different forms combining museum, architecture and gallery visits. Andorra is also a part of different international tours, along with the bordering countries – Spain, France, and Portugal.
7 Poetes
The “7 poets” are a composition of sculptures - flying above the ground, placed in the front yard of the Commune administration building. They represent the seven parishes of Andorra and are an essential example of the importance of public art in this little country in the Pyrenees. Those flying statues are even more attractive at night when they are illuminated.
Puente de Madrid
This is an exciting sightseeing location – and ultra-modern, cable-staged kind of road bridge, placed in the right entrance of the capital - Andorra la Vella. The picturesque bridge with two large spheres on top and the Pyrenean mountains as a background is a beautiful thing to witness and remember Andorra for.
Puente de Paris
Puente de Paris is a picturesque bridge with unique architecture and attractive design. It is placed just above the La Valira river, which runs through the capital of Andorra - Andorra la Vella. It is an exciting sightseeing location to include in your trip in Andorra, especially after sunset when the bridge is all lit up and looks even better than it does at daytime. There are a few more bridges like this one on the territory of the country, which make them a kind of unique trademark for the place.