
[closed] Best Ljubljana Nightlife 2015

more than a year ago
2014 is drawing to a close, and it is time once again to take the pulse of Ljubljana's partygoers, students, beer-drinkers, clubbers, connoisseurs, bowlers, gamblers and other sophisticates in our 5th annual Best Nightlife poll! Continuing our trend ot revamping the competition each year, this edition features a total of 10 categories, including staples such as Best Bar and Best Pub as well as returning categories such as Best Nighttime Culture. The race is on to decide the finest venue in Metelkova once more also. Vote wisely!

As always, the IYP editorial team has narrowed down each category to a shortlist of contenders, and it is now up to our readers to decide who is the best of the best in open voting between 10 November and 9 December 2014. The number of votes for this poll grows year upon year upon year, so lets make this year no different! Once the poll ends, the results* will be posted in full here, and will also be published in the Feb/Mar edition of our guide. Good luck to all the competitors!

*Please don't cheat in our poll. By cheating we mean using technological means to vote multiple times in the same poll. Individual computers, phones and other devices are allowed to vote once per week for the duration of the competition. Unfortunately, as Angela Merkel can tell you, nothing on the internet is 100% secure. Nevertheless, we take every reasonable precaution to prevent cheating in our polls, and we also reserve the right to not count votes that were obviously cast through illegitimate means, and/or take other necessary action in such circumstances. If you decide to cheat anyway, please don't get angry and threaten us with legal action when/if we catch you. We are only trying to keep the polls as fair as possible, and we can assure you that we NEVER favour one venue over another. We honestly don't care who wins any given poll, as long as the votes of our readers are counted fairly and equally. If you'd like further explanation of our rules or have any questions regarding our poll, please feel free to email us at ljubljana@inyourpocket.com.

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